Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sorry for no posts!

I apologize for the no posting for the past 2 months.
A lot has happened!

A few weeks ago, it was July 4th. It was my Grandma Vera's birthday too. R.I.P. It was a lot of fun to hang out with my family. We all ate dinner together. My favorite part of it is, when everyone is eating, it gets EXTREMELY quiet in the house. I love that part. When we're not stuffing our faces, we are hollering.

Another thing that happened, is I GRADUATED! I graduated with the Class of 2010. I am going to miss all them. I don't know what I am going to do now. I grew up with all them and now we are splitting apart. but, It's all good. I'm happy that I am gone from the drama. :)

Also, I turned 18. :) Finally. My brother, Clay, my cousin, Jayme, and I went up to Oklahoma to the casino to Gamble! That was really fun. I stayed on the slots only because I don't really know how to play poker and blackjack, well at least I didn't want to lose all of my money right when I got there. At one point I was up $20. but in the end, the Indians got me! I lost all $67 I took with me. Lesson learned. I would like to go there sometime again before school starts in the fall. Hopefully I don't lose all my money again!

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