Thursday, February 25, 2010

Baseball, 5 lbs of gummy bears, and ChiChi

Today is February 25, 2010.
Tomorrow my twin nieces turn 2. I still them babies. They are just too cute. :) They are growing up so fast! We are celebrating this Saturday. I am also going to Kennedale High School to watch my cousin dance. I think I might go to the Grapevine Mills Mall on Saturday too to shop around for prom dresses. :) Expect pictures from the party.

A few weekends ago Clay had his first games here in Denton, Texas.
he wanted me to take some pictures of him, so I did. Here is one of the many that I took.
For Valentine's Day, my cousin Jayme got me a 5lbs gummy bear. According to her we had a conversation about giant gummy bears, of which I vaguely remember. So, here is the gummy bear, I named him Chuy. 1) Chelsea Handler's assistants name is Chuy. 2) The gummy bear is chewy. :) haha, get it?!
Here is my Baby Boo. :) I love my ChiChi. She is such a little model; She hates getting her picture taken, but oh well. She usually turns away from the camera.
This is from when snowed on Christmas Eve 2009. She doesn't like the cold very much. We sometimes put her jacket on her to take her out if it gets really cold.

I have this idea that I want to do a movie review on this. I go to the movies almost often, I guess you could say. :) I have seen some pretty great ones.

Follow me on Twitter! @ItssSarahh


  1. oh my gawwwdd xD
    THE GUMMY BEAR STILL HAS ITS EARS!! xD *_* and you're eating it. oh snapz.

    and aww the doggie's so cutee :]
